This is the first project where the safety of the general public needed to be considered. The sculpture is driven by a large NEMA42 stepper motor connected to a gear box. When someone turns the wheel on the side in the correct direction the motor will start turning and will continue as long as the wheel is being turned. While the machine is in motion various sensors and interlocks prevent a user from opening the door, and even if they pry the door open the interlock would force the motor to stop immediately. Only when the motor is stopped and a shelf is at the correct position will the door be unlocked.
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Author: admin
Adjustable Power Supply
This power supply has three fixed voltage outputs (+5V, +9V, +12v) and one variable output. The unit also includes a volt meter display for the adjustable output. The enclosure is made of laser cut acrylic.
FPGA Alarm Clock
With the success of the hardware driven alarm clock, it was decided that the a more challenging project was desired. This clock has all of the same features as the other clock but was created with an Altera Cyclone II FPGA at its core. A proof of concept was created on a DE1 demo board, after which a design was created and a 2-layer board was fabricated. The LED ring is driven by four 16-bit shift registers, the center display is a multiplexed display driven by the FPGA. Currently a new 3D printed enclosure is being worked on to further enhance the look of the product.
12 Hour Alarm Clock
For this project I wanted to created and alarm clock that was not driven by any software. This clock does not have any microcontroller, FPGA or other programmable device. The logic of the clock is entirely driven by hardware. This clock contains just over 200 components. There are buttons on the top of the enclosure to set the alarm time and the current time, a button to enable/disable the alarm, and a button to silence the alarm once triggered. The printed out schematic at a 1:1 scale measures 3'x4'
Two Tone Alarm
This project was for an electronics 101 class. The originally assigned project is pictured above with the blue circuit board. Due to starting this class with prior knowledge and experience I obtained permission to redesign the original device to be smaller and use surface mount technology. The final result is shown as the assembled purple board. Two revision of the board were done, you can see the progression from the version 1 board to the final version of the board in the above side by side.